February 23, 2024
OSHA Highlights Injury Risks in Auto and Home Supply Stores
OSHA categorizes establishments under 5531 as Auto and Home Supply Stores, primarily involved in retailing new automobile tires, batteries, and other related parts and accessories. Additionally, these stores often offer home appliances, radios, and television sets. However, establishments dealing mainly in used parts fall under Wholesale Trade (Industry 5015), while those engaged in selling and installing automotive parts are classified under Services (Industry Group 753). OSHA Highlights Injury Risks in Auto and Home Supply Stores
According to OSHA, a significant portion (56%) of shoulder, neck, and back injuries occur in tire shops within category 5531, with most accidents happening during the lifting of tire or wheel assemblies. The average Workers’ Compensation claim for such injuries amounts to $11,000, with a resultant loss of 100 days in work productivity. These figures exclude indirect costs associated with claim filings and hiring replacement workers.
In response to several serious injuries and a fatality during the servicing of automobile and small tires, the OSHA Hartford Area Office initiated measures to address the hazards. These incidents resulted from attempts to repair or service mismatched tires and rims, leading to severe head and arm injuries due to tire rupture.
OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.177 focuses on servicing multi-piece and single-piece rim wheels used in large vehicles, excluding those used in automobiles or small trucks and vans with designated tires.
During the servicing or repair of small tires, pressurized air is often used to position the tire against the rim flange, known as “seating the bead.” Installing a tire of one bead diameter on a rim of a different diameter poses a serious risk of injury or death. Similarly, attempting to inflate or service a tire mounted on an incorrect rim can be hazardous, especially if not properly secured.
It’s recommended that tire installers adhere to manufacturers’ procedures and recommendations to mitigate risks during servicing and repair.
Attorneys at Hardison & Cochran emphasize the dangers faced by mechanics, who are statistically more prone to workplace injuries or fatalities than the average worker, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Common sources of injuries include being struck by vehicles, engine parts, or tools, getting caught in equipment, and burns from contact with hot objects.
Mechanics also commonly suffer strains from overexertion while lifting heavy objects like tires and engine parts, as well as from assuming awkward postures during repairs.
Tire Service International is a leading provider of safe shop equipment geared to the heavy duty tire and service technician. Our tools provide the user with a safe method of installing and removing tires, moving heavy tires around the shop, working on a brake drum, and installing and removing studs. These items make quick work of any job, and provide a better avenue to cut down time due to injury, and improve employee morale. OSHA Highlights Injury Risks in Auto and Home Supply Stores